
Remember it all ♡

A jarring realisation, the walls of this place A comfort forever frozen in time, A routine that seemed ever so mundane now cracks of adulthood probe and shine Feeling like this time has met its grave. Slow growing smiles, attempts to turn a new page Walls, desks, echoing laughter in the halls. Unconvincing words, feeble consolations of age Wishing each second slowed down to a crawl. Walls, desks, echoing laughter in the halls, Grandiose plans of the future, lying in a bed Promises that can only hope to be fulfilled Sealing every memory into the crevices of hearts Yet the unknown and anxious dare let it sit still. A whirlwind of feelings, a flash of light recalls Memories that made every moment worth it all. Steps treading paths unsure, a tremor in held hands Residing in the castle of hope, a flurry of unborn plans. Memories that made every moment worth it all Crying through laughter, yelling in pure joy Running from trouble, embracing great times Humour in failing, compassion in unders

Is it your surroundings, or is it you?

The 21st century has found in its wake increased discussions about mental health, feelings of hopelessness and feeling worn out. The pandemic, with its sudden changes and impact on our thought process, has inevitably increased discussions among all generations, especially the younger ones, about these negative feelings.  While it is comforting to know you are not the only one feeling sick of exam pressure or work pressure or societal standards, we have all heard the phrase "Misery loves company". This phrase, though common, describes many of our current situations very well.  On one hand, having conversations about these feelings and frustrations is a good way to validate the way you feel and get input about it. But on the other, these sometimes lead to shared feelings of hopelessness- where both people end up venting the same frustrations. On being unable to find solutions for these problems, the only thing we end up doing is criticising our circumstances and increasing thes

Beauty- and its deciding factors

Beauty noun  / ˈbjuː.ti / the  quality  of being  pleasing ,  especially  to  look  at, or someone or something that gives  great   pleasure ,  especially  when you  look  at it. Beauty is subjective. Yes, beauty is subjective. For what appeals to one may not appeal to the other, for what seems like flaws to one may seem like perfection to another. And yet- it is only a fraction of the people we consider beautiful, only a fraction that seems to fit the standards of society- which have been set up by none other than our own selves. There are a countless array of rules to be considered beautiful, a number of features we have learned to be attractive- to consider someone else worthy of this title. Yes, beauty is subjective, but is it really? If such rules, such mindsets, such requirements come into play? Do we really consider ‘beautiful’ to be something that appeals to our senses, or is it a word to describe someone whose appearance fits these standards? And what of the rest, then? What o


  Femi nazism- meet the evil twin sister of feminism. Feminism was created to bridge the gap between men and women with regard to human rights- to erase that gender gap and empower women to stand with men. But what happens when some people don’t draw the line- when some people start exercising the atrocities that the brave ladies of our past had to face on the men of today? To be a femi nazi  means to believe in female supremacy, to use the label of feminism wrongly to ruin the reputation of a man or to demean men in order to empower females. The base spirit of feminism was to create the idea that we are born equal regardless of the bodies we take birth in. But in the steadily growing influence of new ideologies, in order to appear ‘liberal’ or ‘supportive’ of change, some people may not realise when things go too far. When they don’t realise the right and the wrong. For those who may not know, a few days ago in India, a video of a woman repeatedly slapping a cab driver went viral. The